Generating XRPL Account
Generating XRPL Account

Generating XRPL Account

Generating XRPL Account


Generating XRPL account offline.


Topics covered

  • Mathematically generating XRPL account - offline.
  • Different secret formates: familySeed, Mnemonic, secretNumber.


Error Handling

If you are getting errors similar to what’s shown below, then make sure to install nodejs version which is “Recommended For Most Users” on nodejs website, and not the “Latest Features” version. After installing the correct version of nodejs, run npm install

  this[kHandle] = new _Hash(algorithm, xofLen);

Error: error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported
    at new Hash (node:internal/crypto/hash:67:19)
    at createHash (node:crypto:135:10)
    at Object.hash160 (C:\Users\---\Desktop\XRPL\XRPL-JS-TS-demo\node_modules\bip32\src\crypto.js:15:16)
    at BIP32.get identifier [as identifier] (C:\Users\---\Desktop\XRPL\XRPL-JS-TS-demo\node_modules\bip32\src\bip32.js:65:23)
    at BIP32.get fingerprint [as fingerprint] (C:\Users\---\Desktop\XRPL\XRPL-JS-TS-demo\node_modules\bip32\src\bip32.js:68:21)
    at BIP32.derive (C:\Users\---\Desktop\XRPL\XRPL-JS-TS-demo\node_modules\bip32\src\bip32.js:151:88)
    at BIP32.deriveHardened (C:\Users\---\Desktop\XRPL\XRPL-JS-TS-demo\node_modules\bip32\src\bip32.js:168:21)
    at C:\Users\---\Desktop\XRPL\XRPL-JS-TS-demo\node_modules\bip32\src\bip32.js:182:31
    at Array.reduce (<anonymous>)
    at BIP32.derivePath (C:\Users\---\Desktop\XRPL\XRPL-JS-TS-demo\node_modules\bip32\src\bip32.js:178:26) {
  opensslErrorStack: [ 'error:03000086:digital envelope routines::initialization error' ],
  library: 'digital envelope routines',
  reason: 'unsupported',
Final tip: You can derive public key using your secret key, but you can not derive secret key using your public key.

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